We want your business
From housing studies that help us understand market demands and the types of housing most needed to support our growing community, to hosting the county’s first housing summit in 2023, housing is a cornerstone of ThriveED’s strategic plan and one of the four priorities covered in Jefferson County’s 2023-2033 Strategic Plan.
Why develop in Greater Jefferson County?
Greater Jefferson County is ripe with opportunities for housing development. With our strategic focus, supportive local governments and a community on the rise, developers will find a welcoming environment for their projects.
The housing
Our housing needs change throughout our life. A 20-year-old going to college and working part time will need different housing than a family with children. Empty nesters no longer need the type of housing they had when they were raising their children. Greater Jefferson County needs housing of all types to meet the needs of current and prospective residents.
graphic created by Vandewalle & Associates